ZW3D Trainings
ZW3D Trainings Overview
Questions And Answers About ZW3D Trainings
As requested. Simply arrange your desired dates with us.
Training Location
If you should meet the requirements for participation, please read directly during the training itself.
Normally from 8 – 12 am and from 1 – 5 pm. Or according to your ideas.
ZW3D Trainings from CADCAMPDM.
Your Turbo to the ZW3D Professional.
Training courses of CADCAMPDM are your guarantee for an efficient and methodical progress in the field of ZW3D. You will be taught exclusively by experienced CAD, CAM or PDM experts. Technicians who are very familiar with ZW3D.
The methodical structure of our training courses has proven itself over many years. All ZW3D training content builds on each other in a meaningful way.
Also the joy of learning is not neglected: Our trainings are far from a dry transfer of knowledge.
Increase your skills with ZW3D know-how from the expert. Continue to be indispensable by driving your professional development forward.
When can we welcome you to our ZW3D training?
ZW3D Basics
3-Day Training
Day 1:
- Introduction to the surface
- File structure, basic working method
- General configuration
- Sketch function
- Creating dependencies based on dimensions, geometry and variables
- Solid body
- Changes with the history function
Day 2:
- Advanced sketch function
- Creating dependencies based on dimensions, geometry and variables
- Solid body
- Changes with the history function
- Constructing with features, surfaces and layers
Day 3:
- Assembly design and animation
- 2D drawing derivation, section views and details
- Dimensioning of drawings
- Explosion views + parts list
- Creating templates for drawings and dimensioning
ZW3D CAD Surfaces
2-Day Training
Requirements: ZW3D Basics or Sound Previous Knowledge
Day 1
- Import, analysis and repair of third-party data
Changes to foreign data with volume and surface operations
Day 2:
- Combination of surfaces, surface set (volume)
- Working with 3D curves and volumes
- Manipulation of surfaces
- Application of different surface functions
ZW3D Mould Construction
Day Training
Requirements: ZW3D Basics or Sound Previous Knowledge
Day 1
- Import, analysis and repair of third-party data
- Undercut control
- Application of Direct-Edit functions
- Creation of separation lines and partitions
- Creation of form and cavity
- Use of libraries for tool and mould construction
ZW3D Update Training
Day Training
Requirements: Knowledge of the Previous Release
Day 1
- Introduction of the new features of the current version
ZW3D Individual Training
Training According to Your Needs
Sometimes it is very specific functions or procedures that help you move forward quickly.
Just talk to us about it. We would be happy to put together your own personal training plan together with you.