ZWCAD: Simple, reliable,
DWG compatible

From simple items to complex layouts: CAD software with an unbeatable price-performance ratio. Try it.


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ZWCAD: Professional design at a low price

ZWCAD Authorized Reseller

3 Produkt-Varianten


ZWCAD Standard

The standard version offers complex 2D functionality such as express tools, LISP, tool palettes, dynamic blocks and much more.


ZWCAD Professional

In addition to the standard tools, the Professional variant provides 3D capabilities for creating solid models (3D ACIS), APIs “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)”, “SDS”, “ZRX/ARX” (C/C++), “.NET” and many other options.

For the mechanics

ZWCAD Mechanical

The variant Mechanical is the solution for mechanical production. With comprehensive standard parts libraries, as well as many powerful functions and tools for mechanical engineering, fixture construction, steel construction, and many more.

Features im Detail

Basis CAD

ZWCAD Standard

Features & Functions


  • Show-n-Tell™ Tutorial
Kombatibilität mit AutoCAD
  • .dwg und .dxf Datei Unterstützung
  • Befehle und Befehlsoptionen wie in AutoCAD®
  • AutoCAD® Menu (.mnu) und Alias Unterstützung
  • TTF & SHX Font Unterstützung
  • Lisp (inkl. DCL)
  • SDS – ähnlich wie AutoCAD® Development System (ADS)
  • Export (bmp, wmf, emf, svg, dwf, EPS, pdf, sat)
  • eTransmit, Plot Verwaltung, Veröffentlichung, PC5 File — Plotter hinzufugen
  • Undo/Redo, Zoom, 3D-Ansichten + Luftansicht, 4-Fenster Ansicht
  • Blöcke, Externe Referenzen, In-Place Referenzen und Attribute- Bearbeitung
  • Rasterbilder, Active X In-Place Bearbeitung (OLE), Layer, Point Style
  • Unterschiedliche Farben, Linienarten + -stärken, Schrift- + Bemaßungsarten
  • Multilinien, Einheiten, Korrekturhilfe, Schnellselektion, Filter, Attribute exportieren
  • Design Center, Werkzeugpaletten, Taschenrechner, Load Application
  • Script Player + Recorder, Screenshots + Vorschau
  • Zeichnungseinstellungen, Zeichenbrett
  • Anpassung der Benutzeroberfläche
  • Geometriefang und -Verfolgung, Wipeout, True Color, Schraffur
  • Farbverlaufende Schraffuren, CTB and STB Plot Style, Explorer (Layer, Blöcke, Linien)
  • Anpassung der rechten Maustaste
  • Schnellbemaßung, verkürzte Bemaßung, Bemaßungsarten
  • Referenzen + Attribute bearbeiten
  • Wrap, Multilinien erzeugen + bearbeiten
  • Multifunktionale Griffe
  • Auto Backup, Dynamische Eingabe
  • Bereiche erstellen (Region)
  • Smart-Mouse, Smart-Select, Smart-Voice
  • Dynamische Befehlseingabe
  • Multi-tab Umgebung
  • Batch-Plot (pltplot)
  • Blöcke exportieren
Erweitertes CAD

ZWCAD Professional

… zusätzlich zu Standard


Kompatibilität mit AutoCAD
  • VBA Entwicklungsumgebung
  • Object ZRX – ähnlich wie ARX
  • Volumen Modelle
  • Grundlegende 3D-Befehle für die Volumen-Bearbeitung
  • Befehle wie z.B. REGION, DVIEW, Render
CAD für die Mechanik

ZWCAD Mechanical

… zusätzlich zu Professional


  • Erweiterte Konstruktionslinien
  • Mechanische Beschriftung
  • Mechanische Bemaßung und Positionsnummern
  • Parametrische Bauteilbibliothek
  • Symbolbibliothek
  • Wellen-Generator
  • Stücklisten und Bohrungstabellen
  • Bohrungslöcher
CAD für die Architektur

ZWCAD Architecture

… zusätzlich zu Professional


  • Böden, Wände, Türen, Treppen und Dächer
  • Stützen, Unterzügen, Decken
  • Parametrische Gebäudekomponenten
  • Bibliotheken aus dem Bereich Architektur
  • Architektur Bemaßung und Symbole
  • Kundenspezifische Layer-Verwaltung
  • 3D-Visualisierung
  • Rendering

Our Top 5: Why we recommend ZWCAD 2020:

2. Easy to learn

High user-friendliness: The software offers you drawing structures like in AutoCAD®. For example, model area, layouts, layers, dimension styles, text styles, table styles, linetypes and more.

AutoCAD® users generally find their way around immediately and can work productively at the same time.

3. High compatibility

Open, edit and save your drawing as a DWG file or in the form of DXF files.

4. Mobile working

ZWCAD supports the mobile concept with CAD pockets for Andriod, iPhone or iPad.
You can easily save your drawing to the cloud and sync it with Dropbox™ and many other services.

5. .NET Applications (API)

As an application developer, you can use .NET to integrate your own applications.

ZWCAD Highlights and Functions (Selection)

Surface: Familiar

Familiar interface
Quick start
You will easily find your way into ZWCAD 2020. Thanks to well-known commands, drawing will be relatively easy for you.
Whether it’s the familiar classic or ribbon surface. Of course, you can easily change them.

Compatibility: Open to many worlds

With ZWCAD, you can open DWG files or save in this format. You can also save files as DXF. Or import DNG files from Microstation.

Innovation: Hello!

Smart Voice - Add comments via Voice Record
Add comments via Voice Record.
ZWCAD Smart Select
Smart Select
Use Multi-Filter to select objects with specific properties.
Smart Mouse Function
Smart Mouse
Activate commands over mouse gestures.
Barcode & QR Code
Barcode & QR Code
Convert text information as a barcode or QR code and embed it in your work.

Constructions: All included

ZWCAD Drawing Functions
Drawing functions in ZW CAD
  • Auto-Complete: Find commands faster
  • MText: Editing multiline texts and full texts
  • Images: Insert raster images in formats (JPEG, PNG, BMP)
  • Blocks: Capture block geometries – and reuse them
  • External reference: Insert other DWG drawings as references (XREF)
  • Charts: Present materials such as revision table or lists over charts
  • Associative Dimension: Connect the dimension to geometric objects
  • Revision Cloud: Mark revision with free-shaped clouds: More attention to the change
  • Layer and Property Manager: Set layer properties such as color, linetype, and VP Freeze
  • Selection cycle: Simply check and select overlapping objects
  • Block attributes: Embed text information such as inventory numbers, prices, description, etc. in a block
  • Scroll and move: Press or rotate the mouse wheel and move (PAN) to zoom into your designs

Advanced Tools
Can it be a little more?

Lisp Debugger
Lisp debugger
Check code and fix errors.
Data extraction
Data extraction
Extract and export object data to a table or to a .csv/ .xls file.
Dynamic Blocks in ZWCAD
Dynamic Blocks
Block with parameters, easy to change.
ZWCAD Properties
Use documents from other applications.
Ole Objects Insert
Insert OLE object
For example, insert Word or Excel files.
Compare files
Compare files
Compare two similar drawings: The software will show you the differences.
Super Hatch
Super Hatch
Use blocks, external drawings or images as hachures.
Reference Manager
Reference Manager
Manage all external resources such as text, images, and constructions.
Object Isolation
Object Isolation
Control the visibility of specific objects.
ZWCAD Calculator
Calculations like with a normal pocket calculator.
Block Manager Attributes
Block Attribute Manager
Look at attributes of used blocks, edit and synchronize them.
ZWCAD Annotation Scale
Annotation scale
Make annotations readable at different display scales.

Integrate 3D features

Modeling in ZWCAD
Create and modify 3D models with solid, surface, or mesh modeling tools.
Viewing function
View the visualizations for free with 3D orbit and get an offset perspective or camera view with target simulation.
Visualize in ZWCAD
Represent visual styles such as wireframe, hidden and shaded, or a photorealistic view with rendering.

Output possibilities

Print Options in ZWCAD
Print options
Print with STB/CTB Plot Style – Assign color, line width and line type, etc. when printing.
Print or publish to other formats. Issue DWG or DXF files for replacement.
Smart Plot
Smart Plot
Print multiple frames from model space at the same time.

ZWCAD – The connection-friendly CAD program

API & Co.
Programming interfaces such as LISP, VBA, ZRX, and .NET are supported. And: Many external applications are already customized.

Your next step to ZWCAD at a low price

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ZWCAD Experts
Langjährige ZWCAD-Experten:
Lothar Eickmann, Vertrieb: +49 521 967 613 – 29
Jens Thonack, Technik: +49 521 967 613 – 28
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